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10 Worst Forms of Acne
via Complete Acne Cure by admin on 9/29/11
Acne is usually an unwanted guest on many different individuals. Whether you have it on your face, neck, chest or even back, you probably don't want it. There are many different levels of acne you can get. Here is a list of 10 different variations of acne and what each one really is. They will be in order of most severe to less severe.
1. Gram-negative folliculitis:

This form of acne usually takes the look of many different cysts and pustules all gathered together. The most common cause of this rare form of acne is a reaction to a facial medication for a different form of acne.
2. Acne fulminans:

This occurs more in young men than any other age groups. It is clusters of ulcerating acne. The big difference between this version and other versions is it comes with aching joints and sometimes a fever as well.
3. Acne conglobata:

This form is very common in males and is one of the most severe acne forms that is commonly seen. This appears as tons of lesions that are very large mixed in with a lot of little black heads. There can be major scarring from these acne forms. The most common area to find this is the face. You can also find it on the back and the neck/shoulders.
4. Acne rosacea:

This appears more as a rash than an acne virus. It is read and has lumps. It is more common to individuals in their 30's. You will find little pimples and blemishes but not black heads will be visible with this form of acne.
5. Cysts:

These are very similar to nodules but there is one main difference. The main difference is the cysts are filled with pus. Instead of squeezing these bumps, it would be best to consult with a dermatologist. If you squeeze them, the infection could potentially grow deeper and be more painful.
6. Nodules:

These are extremely large bumps that don't go away too easily. It will be a large red bump that is very sensitive to the touch. These can last up to multiple months. If you try to squeeze these, you will damage the skin on top and cause bad scarring.
7. Pustules:

These are the most common forms of acne you will see. They appear as the small and medium sized bumps that are red and inflamed. They will also have either a yellow or a white center. These are very common on the face and the back. There are many different ways to relieve any pain you might have that comes along with these.
8. Papules:

These look just like pustules but without the white and yellow head. They are small red bumps that just look horrible. You wont be able to squeeze these without creating any scarring on your skin.
9. Blackheads:

A blackhead is another one of the most commonly seen forms of acne. They look like what they sound like. It is a little pink bump with a black center. If you squeeze these, you will not get a white pus to come out. Instead, you will see a hard piece of bacteria.
10. Whiteheads:

This is the least severe form of acne out of all of the forms. This happens when your pore is completely blocked with bacteria. These will come and go faster than any other of the acne forms. These look like blackheads but with a white tip instead of a black one.
Acne can be extremely embarrassing if it is not taken care of. There are many skin regiments created solely to help reduce and remove the appearance of acne.
Acne can be extremely embarrassing if it is not taken care of. There are many skin regiments created solely to help reduce and remove the appearance of acne.
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