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The Acne Industry’s Top 10 Secrets That You Don’t Know
via Complete Acne Cure by admin on 7/21/11
The Acne Industry has been hiding things from you for years. The information you're about to read includes everything you need to clear your acne… naturally! However, that's not all it includes. You'll also be hearing about several myths, and a few secrets that they don't want you to know about!
1. It's all in the diet.

While cleaning your face multiple times per day will help to clear up your acne, there is nothing better for your skin than eating healthy. It's been proven time and time again that raw fruits and vegetables are the best thing you can put in your body to clear up your skin.
2. Stress is amplifying your acne.

Every stressful situation that you have in your life, be it little or big, is amplifying your acne – that includes worrying about your acne! So, try to relax a bit every day. Even just ten or fifteen minutes per day can do wonders to help you relax.
3. Your genetics DO play a role in your acne.

While your dietary and exercise habits do play a role, a huge part is your genetics. Some people can eat as much junk food as they want and still not get acne, while others can eat a pure vegan diet and get break outs. Regardless of which one of these categories you may fall in, eat and bathe yourself accordingly. If you get acne easily, make sure to have a strict diet.
4. Eight glasses of water a day might not be right for you.

Everyone's body is built differently. You might need more than eight glasses of water a day, or you might need less. It all depends, really. Try out a few different variations and see what works for you. Who knows – you might be drinking TOO MUCH water!
5. The damage soap does to your skin.

Soap, while it does clean your body, is much too harsh for the skin on your face. Because of that, you should limit the amount of soap that you wash your face with. Preferably you will gradually decrease the amount of soap that you wash your face with until you are using the perfect facial cleanser(which I'll get to in a moment).
6. Popping your pimple is the last thing you want to do.

While it is very tempting to pop an unsightly pimple, that is the last thing you want to do! Popping pimples not only leave horrible scars in the long run, but they also tend to make your acne look worse than it already does!
7. The two foods you should eat if you want to clear up your skin.

Blueberries and raw broccoli. I'm sure reading those might not have excited your tastes buds, however, if you eat even a small portion of both of these foods every day, after three weeks, your acne will be cured. I've personally seen cases where no medicine has been able to cure ones acne, and eating blueberries in the morning, with broccoli added to his other meals literally cured him within a month.
8. Cold water is more than enough to clean your oily skin.

If you're going to wash your skin, do it with cold water. Cold water is extremely healthy for you(the Japanese culture is infamous for using 'cold water baths' as medicine), and great for your skin. Cold water on your face will clear up all the dirt, while helping to promote a healthy blood flow in the skin on your face.
9. Make-up is the second most damaging thing you can put on your face.

Many companies today are trying to get you to buy more and more make-up to cover up your unsightly blemishes. However, their dirty secret is that make-up is damaging your skin, and actually causing you to have more acne! My general rule is: "If you can't eat it, it's probably not that healthy to put on your skin every day." Make-up is known to cause wrinkles and tons of other harmful effects to the skin. As far as how damaging make-up is, there is only one other thing that you an put on your skin that will be more harmful than make-up…
10. Their products routinely make acne worse.

Most acne companies do not want you to be 'cured' of acne. Sure, you might see your acne go away, however, if you stop using their products, you'll find that your acne returns even worse than before! This is because their products tend to dry out and irritate your skin. Once you stop, your skin produces more oil in those areas to help repair and replenish after all the harmful damage has been done.
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