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How to Get Rid of Acne with Home Remedies
via Home Remedies For Acne Treatment by on 4/11/09

Girls in their teens often struggle with figuring out how to get rid of acne, or at least hiding it so nobody can see it. When they do hide it, what they may not realize is that the makeup they are using to hide the acne is actually causing it to spread more. This makes their situation entirely worse and causes a greater infection, so that what they are doing to hide their infection is causing it to spread. They put on more makeup and it just keeps getting worse.
If you are wondering how to get rid of acne then you probably have acne or know somebody who does. Often when someone has acne they have a hard time keeping their hands off of their face because their acne makes them nervous. The fingers and hands are covered with oils and dirt and only spread the infection as well, doing damage on the pores by clogging them and causing more blemishes. If the hands cannot be kept off of the face then they should at least be kept clean as often as possible and the face should be cleaned immediately after contact with the hands and fingers.
If you were to go to a dermatologist for advice on how to get rid of acne they might direct you to the nearest pharmacy's skin care aisle for some off the shelf lotions and creams that will help to get rid of your acne. If the case is bad enough or if the doctor determines that the acne is the result of something like hormone levels then they may prescribe some medicines that you would take orally and that would work from the inside out to help divert whatever it is within you chemically that is causing the acne. How to get of acne scars is something that people often search for and for some there are home remedies for acne scars that can help.
Many people struggle with figuring out how to get rid of acne with home remedies and parents often think that with regard to their children that it has to do with what they are eating. Most parents think that candy and sweets directly cause pimples but there is no scientific proof that this is even true. The best way to get rid of acne is to stay as clean as possible and to be sure to use mild soap when cleaning as to not cause abrasive actions to sensitive skin.
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