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Is Laser Acne Removal Safe and Worth It?
via Acne Solutions Headquarters by david on 3/6/11
Acne has devastated numerous lives of people and still continues to do so. Specialists have worked hard to come up with various products and methods to aid in acne removal, but the condition still persists, and it continues to plague a lot of people's lives and faces.
Among all of these methods, one of the most recent developments would be laser acne removal. Pimple treatment used to be a tedious process and it usually took time before any noticeable effects became visible. There would be tons of prescribed medication and numerous sessions of pricking, popping, and even piercing before you start to realize that the treatments are actually working.
Why you should consider Laser Acne Removal?
Laser acne help promises to deliver great results in the fastest time possible. As it is a laser treatment for acne, there would not be any form of pricking, popping, or piercing that would cause any patient so much pain, not to mention a bloodied face afterward.

Acne laser treatment is popular for its non-invasive approach to treating acne. Most professional skin specialists recommend this method because it is not as painful and the procedure would only take a short period of time. Compared to a facial or the old methods of pimple treatment, laser acne removal will only take a few minutes, depending on the severity of your acne.
How does Laser Acne Removal work?
As acne often plagues people from ages 14 years and above. If the cases are severe, it is generally recommended to undergo laser acne removal to treat the condition. As pimples are caused by overworking sebaceous glands, laser acne removal targets these glands to reduce the production of oil, which clogs up the pores.
Development of Laser Acne Removal
The previous methods that laser acne removal has employed have undergone numerous developments. One of the first laser acne removal treatments was the use of carbon dioxide laser, which were often used to treat acne scars. There are now three major laser acne removal procedures that the field of dermatology employs.
First is the Blue Light Therapy treatment. It uses blue light to zap and kill the acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes or P.acnes. This bacterium is the main culprit behind the inflammation and infection of pimples that lead to those gross, red bumps on your face.
The use of Ultraviolet Light or UV in laser treatments has been removed, of course, as UV rays tend to damage the skin further than the surface. Blue Light therapy is effective because not only does it kill the bacteria, but most methods often employ a sucking tube along with the light device which sucks out the remaining oil and sebum in the skin as well. These sessions last for about 15 minutes and is divided into eight sessions, over a four-week period.
The second treatment is Pulsed Light and Heat Energy, or sometimes referred to as Intense Pulse light or IPL. This particular laser treatment for acne doesn't just kill the P.acne bacteria by using pulses of light and heat, but also promises to decrease sebum production by shrinking the sebaceous glands. This time, the light used is green and is effective for treatment of mild to moderate acne problems.
Another acne laser treatment that uses light therapy would be ALA + light therapy. This time the light is combined with the application of 5-aminolebulenic acid or ALA into the area that will be treated. This will increase skin's sensitivity to light, which would make the treatment more effective.
What to consider before getting Laser Acne Removal?
Acne removal used to be a complicated process that involved numerous sessions, messy creams, and oral medications. Laser treatment for acne makes the solution easier. Though there might be some side-effects like mild pigment changes and dryness as well as swelling of treated areas, these are mostly temporary. Plus, the treatments are shorter and provide results that last considerably longer than other methods.
Before you undergo laser treatment for acne though, make sure you consult with your local professional skin care specialist. These treatments may cost a little over than normal acne treatments, and they might be able to provide solutions that would be more efficient for any price range considerations.
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