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Natural Home Remedies for Acne
via Complete Acne Cure by admin on 3/10/09
Anti bacterial creams and ointments are definitely successful in acne control, but prolonged usage of these medicines can affect your skin adversely. It may result in rashes and also be very hard on your pockets. This article aims to discuss natural acne treatments like home remedies for acne.

Natural acne treatments like home remedies are not only affordable, but also safe, because they do not have any side effects. This is because they are made with natural and simple ingredients that help in acne control and give relief from other skin irritations like eczema, scabies, etc.
Several simple home remedies do exist for acne treatment and acne control. Some of the most effective remedies are:
- Mix ground nutmeg and un-boiled milk. Apply the mixture on the pimples for at least an hour to remove zits or pimple marks.
- Apply raw papaya or ripe tomatoes on the pimples for at least an hour to get rid of pimples.
- Strawberry leaves can also help get rid of acne very fast. The alkaline content in the leaves reduces swelling of the pimple.
- Mix lemon juice and rose water and apply the mixture for half an hour on your face. Follow this for 15 days without fail to cure the pimples.
- To prevent pimples and its accompaniments like blackheads and whiteheads, apply a paste of ground fresh fenugreek leaves by adding water. Do it every night and keep it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
- Make a concoction of roasted and ground pomegranate and fresh limejuice for applying it on the acne.
- Mix ground and powdered neem leaves. Add a few drops of water to make a paste. This is a great remedy for acne control.
One or more of these steps are useful to get rid of acne, blemishes, scars or blackheads. However what would do wonders to your acne control treatment at home is your diet. This is the most important change that is to be made to a lifestyle to get rid of pimples.
A high fat diet would only lead to increased amounts of fat and grease in the skin. The best diet is a balanced diet with low glycemic food and less fat content. A balanced diet with lower glycemic carbohydrates (such as fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, cereals) are recommended instead of high glycemic foods (like grains, processed food, milk, potato and bread) should be taken.
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