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Baking Soda Acne
via by Admin on 10/17/11
acne solutions and treatments The Baking Soda Acne Remedy
Baking soda acne masks and homemade creams are quite common among people affected by this skin disorder, this product being known for its efficiency in cleaning the skin, unclogging the pores, exfoliating and eliminating the dead cells from the skin's surface. But how exactly does baking soda help acne sufferers? The use of baking soda for acne symptoms reduction is based on the ability of this substance to lower the pH levels and to counteract the acidity on the epidermis, this being one of the factors that favors bacterial overgrowth, encouraging the formation of acne pimples and blemishes.Although there are lots of other acne home remedies with similar efficiency to baking soda, this ingredient is preferred by a large number of acne sufferers because it is very affordable, very easy to use and mix with other ingredients in order to obtain the desired mask or cream. It is also safe for topical application in teenagers and adults alike. The link between baking soda and acne symptoms reduction is scientifically debatable and this explains the wide usage of this substance in lots of cosmetics and pharmaceutical acne products. Baking soda, unlike baking powder which irritates the skin, combines with sebum and dirt on the skin's surface, removing all the potential acne inflaming agents.
Does baking soda help acne sufferers get rid of scars as well?
Baking soda acne masks and creams, whether we refer to homemade or pharmaceutical ones, can also be used for diminishing the disturbing acne scars. This substance acts like a natural exfoliating agent thanks to its fine microcrystalline particles which shed off trapped debris, dirt and dead cells. By doing this, it stimulates cell turnover and skin regeneration, shrinking live acne and fading out old scars.Mixed with lemon juice, this cooking ingredient has a more powerful action so it's recommended to use baking soda for acne masks in combination with the juice obtained from half a lemon, which is rich in Vitamin C, a natural lightening agent. This mixture can be applied directly on the skin, whether you're suffering from mild or moderate acne or you're trying to get rid of scars left by this skin condition. As mentioned earlier, it acts by lightening the skin and destroying harmful bacteria. Moreover, the alkalinity of baking soda and acne masks obtained from this substance is balanced by the acidity of lemon juice, this combination prevents irritation and provides the mildly acidic climate that the skin needs for maintaining its healthy appearance.
Preparing the Baking Soda Acne Mask

The correct way of applying the mask or cream is by gently smoothing the paste over the skin and leaving it there for about 5-10 minutes. This procedure can be repeated two-three times a week, depending on the severity of your symptoms and also on your skin type. Therefore you have to experiment a little in order to see what application frequency and what ingredients suit your skin the best.
Obviously, in case your skin becomes reddish and irritated you must remove the mask and avoid applying it again until the skin recovers. The mentioned side effects could signal an allergic reaction so it's recommended to see your dermatologist before using baking soda creams in order to determine your tolerance to this ingredient.
And to make sure your skin doesn't feel or look too dry after removing the baking soda acne mask, try to follow up with a moisturizing cream, preferably water-based instead of oil-based.
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