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Jojoba Oil Acne Treatment
via by Admin on 10/16/11
acne solutions and treatments The Properties of Jojoba Oil and the Benefits of Jojoba Oil Acne Treatment
The use of jojoba oil for acne healing has been testified to by countless people from all around the world. In case you are wondering what a desert shrub has to do with the treatment of acne, you have come to the right place. The first people to discover the benefits of jojoba were the native tribes of the Sonoran desert, who used jojoba sap to heal burns and skin injuries. Modern researchers took jojoba one step further, giving us highly appreciated jojoba oil acne treatments and jojoba-based cosmetics.The interest in jojoba's mysterious beneficial proprieties rose from a 1977 report from the American National Research Council. Amazed by this new shrub's life-span of 50 to 100 years in harsh environmental conditions, scientists all across the continent rushed into what is better known as "the jojoba fever". Soon, extensive research concluded that jojoba can be used not only in cosmetics and medicine, but in the industry of lubricants, adhesives and textiles, as well.
The Use of Jojoba Oil in Acne Home Treatment
People use jojoba oil for acne not only for its effectiveness in the removal of pimples, but for its skin healing and cleansing proprieties, as well as the fact that jojoba oil acne home treatments are easy to use by anyone. In fact, in its purest form, without additional chemicals, jojoba oil can be applied directly to the skin. To do so, you will first need to gently wash the affected areas, making sure that you don't aggravate any comedones, acne nodules or acne cysts. After the skin dries, it will absorb the jojoba oil faster. Using a pipette, apply 5 to 6 drops of oil on the affected areas. Sit back, relax and let the remedy do its job.When you use jojoba oil for acne, you are not only using a cosmetic, pimple-removing product. You are also benefiting from the fact that it is a skin cleaner, wound healer and even a blood circulation booster. Its non-irritant, non-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory proprieties make jojoba an excellent choice for skin treatments, burns and more.
Although jojoba oil is a great moisturizer, recommended for skin treatments, its excessive use can affect the natural oil production of the human body. In other words, using an excessive amount of jojoba oil on a daily basis might actually increase the sebum production, thus risking an acne recurrence.
In conclusion, it is safe to say that thanks to modern technology and also with the helping hand of nature, acne doesn't have to feel like a nightmare anymore. Nowadays jojoba oil acne treatments can be found in stores and pharmacies in the form of lotions, soaps and gels.Loaded with vitamins (mostly E and B), minerals (chromium, copper, zinc) and also iodine, jojoba finds its use in skin treatments and cosmetics, medical treatments for fungal infections and burns. If you're not sure whether or not you should start a jojoba oil acne treatment, consult your dermatologist.
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