Botox – The Truth

Posted by soni gun on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Botox – The Truth

via by dermarollers on 6/20/10

Botox has been a controversial subject for quite some time. Made famous by a long list of celebrity users, the product is regarded as a 10-years-younger wonder product by some and as a hypertoxic poison by others. In fact, both sides of the argument have some degree of truth in them; although it certainly can make you look younger, it is in fact a highly toxic poison.

What is Botox?

Botox is a genericised trademark (like Google for web search or Coke for cola-drink) for BOtulinum TOXin, the bacterium responsible for botulism. Botulinum toxin is taken from the Latin botulus, meaning sausage, as botulism is normally spread via badly handled meat products. Even a tiny amount injected intravenously would be lethal. Cosmetic and medical botox injections are heavily diluted in order to minimise the risk of a harmful dose. Although not injected directly into the veins, there is a constant risk of the bacteria migrating from the injection site.

What is Botox For?

Cosmetically, Botox is not just used on the face to smooth out lines and wrinkles. It is also used to reduce hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) in the face, palms and soles of feet, back, and underarms. Whilst most people might think that Botox has always been used as a cosmetic product, it was actually first used for medical purposes. Its first use was in 1980, to help relax the eye muscles of a patient with strabismus (crossed eyes). It has recently been used to improve the motor skills of patients with Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome.

Who Uses Botox?

Botox, as with most other forms of cosmetic surgery, has been highlighted mostly in the celebrity arena. Recently, there has been a trend with celebrities for rejecting the use of Botox, due to the fact that natural, healthier beauty treatments are in vogue. These natural treatments have caught up with synthetic methods and can now offer similar results without any of the drawbacks and pitfalls associated with surgical enhancement. One such treatment is known as Microneedling, and competes with Botox injections, and is known to be equally effective without any of the inherent risks involved with injecting toxins into the skin.

Is There a Botox Alternative? What about Microneedling?

One alternative to Botox is microneedling.  Microneedling works by inducing the natural production of collagen within the skin. Collagen is what the skin needs to repair itself and continue looking young and healthy. Over time, the skin can begin to decrease the amount of collagen it produces. However, the process of microneedling improves the amount of collagen produced within the skin, with steady, effective and long-lasting results. Microneedling is done with a small roller device branded as the Scientia Derma Roller, containing tiny needles on its surface. These needles are too small to cause significant discomfort, bleeding, bruising or any visible physical trauma-  however, they are just big enough to trigger the skin's healing mechanism. The skin dramatically increases the level of collagen it produces when it's healing.
This collagen is then used to rejuvenate and enliven your skin, making it look much younger, healthier and better than before. It gives steady, constant results, and in time can give results comparable to Botox treatments, with none of the risks involved.
Click HERE if you'd like to read more about the Scientia Derma Roller, HERE to view pictures of users' skin before and after treatment, and HERE to watch video instructions. After which, if you choose to buy, you can do so safely HERE with our secure online shopping cart.

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