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New Parent Manual – Baby Skin Care Techniques
via Acne Treatment Remedies by Sophia Andrew on 11/12/11
When you are a new parent it is easy to be intimidated by taking care of your baby's skin. For many new parents, the new task of parenting itself (even just keeping the baby alive) can be incredibly overwhelming. Would it help you to learn that common sense is at the heart of baby skin care? You don't need a bunch of overpriced products to keep your infant's skin clean and clear. In fact, you don't need many products at all! Read on to learn some hints and tips that you can use to put together your new baby's skin care routine.
You have heard the term, "smoother than a babies bottom," however, babies are still vulnerable to developing rashes and other skin ailments. There is no need to lose control when you see a rash develop, usually its something minor. Arming yourself with the best ways to treat none serious skin problems will result in better skin health. By attending to any type of issue with the skin as soon as possible, you will greatly reduce any blemishing or skin damage that would have results otherwise.
Use a gentler detergent on your baby's clothing than you would use on your own. Detergent meant for adult clothing is harsher than that meant for baby clothing. Laundry soap used on adult clothing often leaves behind a residue that will cause irritation–and roughen up the baby's clothing in the process. To avoid laundry induced skin issues use a gentle soap–it will keep your baby's clothes soft and rarely leaves behind any residue.
Your baby's umbilical stump is fragile–be careful around it. Don't mess around with it. Swab the stump with rubbing alcohol a few times a day. Leave it alone the rest of the time. Forego giving your infant a "real" bath until his or her umbilical cord stump falls off. Folding down the top edge of your baby's diaper is the best way to keep the diaper from accidentally irritating the umbilical cord stump. The stump is easily infected which is why you want to make sure to keep it extra clean. Ask your pediatrician how to care for the sensitive skin that is left behind after the stump falls off.
There are many different ways to care for your newborn's skin. Honestly, though, caring for your baby's skin doesn't need to be very hard. If you buy the right baby skin care products and use your good judgment, your baby's skin should be relatively problem-free. Remember that you need to take care of all of your baby's skin not only the skin on her face and head. Keeping your daughter or son's skin clean and healthy is an all day long type of process but don't worry too much about it. It won't take long at all for keeping your child's skin healthy to become little more than second nature. After a while the process will feel routine and you won't be thinking about it at all. It will be almost subconscious!
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