Acne Inversa

Posted by soni gun on Tuesday, November 29, 2011

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Acne Inversa

via by Admin on 10/15/11

acne inversa | hidradenitis suppurativa | hidradenitis suppurativa treatment | hidradenitis suppurativa surgeryacne solutions and treatments What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa or Acne Inversa?

Hidradenitis suppurativa, commonly referred to as acne inversa, is a severe inflammatory skin condition manifesting through blackheads and painful red bumps filled with pus that may persist for weeks or even months. This inflammatory skin condition is certainly amongst the most distressing and severe, which many sufferers find difficult to cope with both physically and psychologically. Although there is no known Hidradenitis suppurativa treatment, statistics show that there are certain acne treatments and specific Hidradenitis suppurativa surgery methods, which have an extremely low success rate as they do not address the causative factors.

Despite its name, this ailment is not really a type of acne, but a chronic disorder of a certain type of sweat gland called apocrine, characterized by similar symptoms to acne. The term 'inversa' is used to link the pathogenesis of this illness to acne, suggesting the localizations of the pustules and skin lesions – inverse to acne vulgaris. In other words, abscesses affect the armpits, groin and inner thighs as well as the anal area, these being the main locations of the apocrine glands. But other areas of the body, where skin tends to rub together or where hair follicles are found, can also be affected.

Why does Acne Inversa occur?

Hidradenitis suppurativa appears when the openings of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands become blocked with dead skin cells, fluid or oil released by the apocrine glands and bacteria existing on the skin's surface. All these mixed substances become trapped under the skin and start pushing into the surrounding tissues. This leads, in the first stages of the diseases, to blackheads and small bumps called abscesses, which then develop into hard, puss-filled lumps and large draining lesions that can reach the size of golf balls.
The general symptoms and signs of this skin condition are small black spots appearing in pairs, tender bumps which usually enlarge and break after a while, draining pus, painful lumps which develop under the skin, get inflamed and persist for years and the leaking sores that trigger the formation of tunnels under the affected areas of the skin.
These skin lesions are extremely painful and often leave scars or open wounds that can only be reduced through specific Hidradenitis suppurativa surgery methods. Although it's not known what exactly triggers the appearance of HS or what causes the flare-ups, it is thought that hormonal changes, stress, humidity, heat, excess weight and smoking play a role in this process. However, given the uncertainty about the causes of this skin condition, Hidradenitis suppurativa treatment alternatives are often unspecific and therefore can prove to be ineffective in the long run.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treatment Methods

Acne inversa treatment schemes often rely on the same remedies and methods used in managing other common types of acne, such as topical or oral acne medications and surgical removal of the skin lesions. Still, the recommended treatments are strongly linked with the severity of the manifestations, as mild cases of Hidradenitis suppurativa are generally managed through self-care measures such as warm compresses or regular washings using antibacterial soaps.
Antibiotics are prescribed for both short and long term treatments, as they help the body fight against infections, preventing the symptoms from getting worse and reducing the risks of future outbreaks. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also recommended for alleviating the pain and reducing the swelling of the affected skin areas, while corticosteroids are used for reducing the inflammation in the early stages. Birth control pills and oral retinoid medications, taken to stop the oil production in the sebaceous glands, may also be prescribed.
In severe cases with persistent symptoms, deep lesions and disabling pain Hidradenitis suppurativa surgery is the only realistic option for eliminating the abscesses and reducing the discomfort. The typical procedure consists of three stages: the first stage involves the lump's incision and drainage of the accumulated pus. The second stage refers to the surgical removal of the lesions together with the tracts and tunnels formed under the skin. Unfortunately, none of these two steps prevents new lumps from occurring in other areas of the body so in some patients the third stage is the only solution for getting long-term relief from the symptoms.
This last surgical Hidradenitis suppurativa treatment alternative involves the complete removal of all the skin areas affected by abscesses and sores, followed by direct closure of the wounds with skin grafts. In order to do this, smaller or larger skins flaps are removed from one area of the body (usually a less visible one) and attached to another region. The procedure and the recovery period are very painful and lots of patients require additional plastic surgery interventions to get rid of all the scars left by acne inversa.

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Back Acne Home Remedies

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Back Acne Home Remedies

via by Admin on 10/15/11

back acne home remedies | get rid of back acne | home remedies for back acne | back acne remediesacne solutions and treatments Home Remedies to Get Rid of Back Acne

Back acne home remedies are generally the first treatment option people affected by this condition rely on, in their attempt to get rid of back acne. Unlike medical treatment alternatives, home remedies for back acne are safer, free of side effects and generally more affordable. Therefore the majority of sufferers prefer using the various natural back acne remedies before considering the use of pharmaceutical creams or oral acne medications generally prescribed for this ailment.

acne solutions and treatments Unpleasant and embarrassing, this health condition affects teenagers as well as adults, the typical symptoms having their onset during childhood and lasting until the age of 40 or even beyond in more chronic cases. Although less visible compared to most other types of acne, which manifest on the face, this type can be just as frustrating and quite understandably can have an enormous impact on both the sufferer's social and private life, so treating the symptoms right at the beginning of their manifestation and taking all the required measures for preventing any potential future outbreaks is essential for restoring the self-confidence of the patient.

Herbs Commonly Used as Back Acne Home Remedies

There are numerous herbs with proven effects in reducing back acne signs and relieving the discomfort caused by this health condition. If you're among those sufferers trying to get rid of back acne, here are the most common and efficient herbal remedies you can use for overcoming your ailment:

    acne solutions and treatments
  • Chamomile – this plant is known to reduce the redness associated with back pimples and to clean the affected skin thoroughly, leaving it lighter, less inflamed and free of harmful bacteria. You can use the tea obtained from this herb either orally – two or three cups a day, until the signs of acne are diminished – or topically, by applying the mixture directly on the painful areas.
  • Burdock – this plant is very efficient is curing various skin conditions, from milder to severe ones, so it can be successfully used as an acne home treatment as well. The burdock tea has good diuretic properties thus it helps the body eliminate toxins, which are known to favor acne development. The liquid can also be used as a skin wash, for reducing or removing acne spots and pimples.
  • Dandelion roots are amongst the well-known back acne remedies and they are available as dried herbs, liquid extracts and tinctures, capsules and teas. These plants are known to restore the body's immunity, to stimulate toxin elimination and to clear up inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne while preventing bad bacteria from over growing and spreading.
  • Tea tree oil acne treatment is also amongst the most popular and efficient home remedies for back acne, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This remarkable and versatile oil has the ability to reduce the redness, itchiness and discomfort associated with skin inflammation and irritation in acne. Considered as effective as benzoyl peroxide acne treatment, tea tree oil has the great advantage of being completely free of side effects, thus it can be safely used by people with sensitive skin, trying to get rid of back acne.
Besides these natural back acne home remedies, dietary and lifestyle changes will certainly be of benefit in reducing the intensity of back acne symptoms and in preventing the occurrence of new blackheads, nodular acne or cystic acne developing on the back. So let's take a look at the simplest preventive methods available for people affected by this skin condition.

Home Based Prevention of Back Acne

Applying the previously mentioned back acne remedies may not be sufficient for preventing future outbreaks, so if you really are interested in getting rid of this ailment permanently, you should also try to change your dietary habits and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. By including more fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu you will certainly help increase your immunity's strength and resistance to infections and inflammations, thus you reduce the risks of developing new pimples on your back. A healthy diet means fewer fried foods and refined sugars, no alcohol and less caffeine and carbonated drinks. The more natural the products are that you eat, the greater are your chances to get rid of back acne without having to rely on medical treatments.
Another great compliment to natural home remedies for back acne is physical activity, which can reduce your stress levels, improve circulation and will enhance the skin's resilience. By undertaking physical exercises at least three times a week you can boost your body's immunity, so make sure you take advantage of this free remedy as well. Also, do your best to maintain effective personal hygiene by showering after each training session and avoiding the use of harsh soaps or scrubs as these can accentuate the severity of back acne symptoms, worsening the condition.
Choose your cosmetics carefully and try to opt for water-based ones, as these don't clog the pores therefore don't cause pimples or blackheads. Still, if you're more into oil-based showering gels or moisturizers, try to choose hygiene products containing natural oils like lavender or tea tree oil, as these limit the sebum production therefore can be an important part of your natural back acne home remedies.

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Jojoba Oil Acne Treatment

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Jojoba Oil Acne Treatment

via by Admin on 10/16/11

jojoba oil acne | jojoba oil for acneacne solutions and treatments The Properties of Jojoba Oil and the Benefits of Jojoba Oil Acne Treatment

The use of jojoba oil for acne healing has been testified to by countless people from all around the world. In case you are wondering what a desert shrub has to do with the treatment of acne, you have come to the right place. The first people to discover the benefits of jojoba were the native tribes of the Sonoran desert, who used jojoba sap to heal burns and skin injuries. Modern researchers took jojoba one step further, giving us highly appreciated jojoba oil acne treatments and jojoba-based cosmetics.
The interest in jojoba's mysterious beneficial proprieties rose from a 1977 report from the American National Research Council. Amazed by this new shrub's life-span of 50 to 100 years in harsh environmental conditions, scientists all across the continent rushed into what is better known as "the jojoba fever". Soon, extensive research concluded that jojoba can be used not only in cosmetics and medicine, but in the industry of lubricants, adhesives and textiles, as well.

The Use of Jojoba Oil in Acne Home Treatment

People use jojoba oil for acne not only for its effectiveness in the removal of pimples, but for its skin healing and cleansing proprieties, as well as the fact that jojoba oil acne home treatments are easy to use by anyone. In fact, in its purest form, without additional chemicals, jojoba oil can be applied directly to the skin. To do so, you will first need to gently wash the affected areas, making sure that you don't aggravate any comedones, acne nodules or acne cysts. After the skin dries, it will absorb the jojoba oil faster. Using a pipette, apply 5 to 6 drops of oil on the affected areas. Sit back, relax and let the remedy do its job.
When you use jojoba oil for acne, you are not only using a cosmetic, pimple-removing product. You are also benefiting from the fact that it is a skin cleaner, wound healer and even a blood circulation booster. Its non-irritant, non-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory proprieties make jojoba an excellent choice for skin treatments, burns and more.
Although jojoba oil is a great moisturizer, recommended for skin treatments, its excessive use can affect the natural oil production of the human body. In other words, using an excessive amount of jojoba oil on a daily basis might actually increase the sebum production, thus risking an acne recurrence.


In conclusion, it is safe to say that thanks to modern technology and also with the helping hand of nature, acne doesn't have to feel like a nightmare anymore. Nowadays jojoba oil acne treatments can be found in stores and pharmacies in the form of lotions, soaps and gels.
Loaded with vitamins (mostly E and B), minerals (chromium, copper, zinc) and also iodine, jojoba finds its use in skin treatments and cosmetics, medical treatments for fungal infections and burns. If you're not sure whether or not you should start a jojoba oil acne treatment, consult your dermatologist.

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Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne?

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Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne?

via by Admin on 10/16/11

hydrogen peroxide acne | hydrogen peroxide for acneacne solutions and treatments Although hydrogen peroxide acne treatments are quite popular among people suffering from this upsetting skin condition, there is no scientific evidence to prove the claimed miraculous effects of hydrogen peroxide for acne.
The so called wonder products containing this chemical are not as efficient as people think they are for this health problem, although they do have beneficial effects in other ailments. The use of hydrogen peroxide on acne is not recommended by physicians, dermatologists nor by us. However, being given the disturbing symptoms of this condition, some people are in fact prepared to try just about anything besides conventional acne medication or home remedies for acne in order to get rid of this ailment. So they often test various products containing this chemical, hoping to get relief from acne manifestations and signs, but they end up irritating and harming their skin even further. The fact of the matter is that the relationship between hydrogen peroxide and acne is not a beneficial one.

The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne

This substance is an oxidizing agent with powerful action, which reacts with other molecules in so called reduction-oxidation reactions, which lead to the formation of free radicals. These free radicals are nothing, but toxins, thus they are harmful for cells and tissues in our bodies and they can cause irreversible damage when found in large amounts. Fortunately, the human body produces some enzymes, which break down this compound into water and oxygen, preventing the production of free radicals.
But most hydrogen peroxide acne treatments are topical, meaning that they come as creams and ointments that require direct application on the affected skin areas. Having cleansing and antibacterial properties, this chemical can be successfully used for destroying the bacteria accumulated on the skin but on the other hand, being so powerful, it not only kills the pathogens but also leads to skin irritations due to its strong oxidizing effect. In other words, applying hydrogen peroxide on acne pimples can worsen the appearance of the skin instead of enhancing its beauty and leaving it clear and free of acne signs. And the higher the concentration of the cream or ointment, the more unpleasant the effects can be.

For this reason some of the brands producing acne ointments and gels containing this substance decided to add diluted hydrogen peroxide in their products. This solution eliminates the problem of skin irritation induced by hydrogen peroxide and acne creams containing this chemical, but on the other hand it also compromises the positive effects these ointments may have on acne, as it's quite impossible for creams containing minute quantities of hydrogen peroxide to cure the pustules, papules or acne cysts appearing in this ailment.

The Correct Approach to Using Hydrogen Peroxide Acne Treatments

Hopefully by now you understand why hydrogen peroxide and acne don't really make a good team and why it is completely wrong to use this chemical and the products containing it as acne cures. If you're really interested in getting rid of the signs and symptoms of acne, you should only use hydrogen peroxide on acne as a cleanser, for cleaning the affected areas before applying the topical acne medication or acne home remedies and for preventing bacteria from spreading.
Hydrogen peroxide is a good bleaching agent so it's used in teeth whitening products, toothpastes and mouthwash. Also, it is widely used in shampoos, in anti-bacterial and anti-fungal creams, but for treating acne signs there are several other alternatives you can use, which target the causes of acne and not only the visible symptoms, without triggering side effects.
Thus, if you're interested in finding the best alternatives to hydrogen peroxide for acne, we recommend that you read our natural remedies section and see which of the given options suits you the best.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Acne Treatment

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Apple Cider Vinegar Acne Treatment

via by Admin on 10/17/11

apple cider vinegar acne | apple cider vinegar for acneacne solutions and treatments The Objective for Using Apple Cider Vinegar Acne Treatment

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that can cure as well as prevent numerous conditions. And the best aspect of treatment with this product is that it is 100% natural. This is definitely one of the many benefits of apple cider vinegar, acne being one of the conditions it can successfully cure. Furthermore, the properties of this natural remedy have made apple cider vinegar for acne a much appreciated treatment. But what should be known about the properties of apple cider vinegar? How does it work and what does a person need to do in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the treatment?

Why You Should Consider Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne Treatment?

Acne is a condition that develops due to the excessive production of sebum in the hypo-dermal layer of the skin, which leads to the clogging of the pores and the multiplication of bacteria that are trapped inside the pores. Depending on the intensity of the infection, acne can take multiple forms. Most of the time, this condition can be successfully treated with home remedies for acne, but sometimes, when there are too many lesions, one may need to consult a specialist and seek medical attention. This usually the case with more aggressive types of acne, such as nodular acne, acne inversa or acne cysts that can only be treated by using a comprehensive, personalized home remedy or by the use of lotions and soaps based on strong anti-bacterial medications.
The very first thing one should know about the treatment of acne is the importance of a healthy and functional liver, as this will definitely be an important factor in the battle against this uncomfortable condition. This is why many specialists recommend apple cider vinegar for acne treatment. If consumed daily, it will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract as well as the annexed glands that include the liver.  Why? The answer is rather simple. The main purpose of the liver is to cleanse the blood of toxins, which makes it prone to being flooded with harmful substances. By adding apple cider vinegar to your diet, you will prevent the overload of toxins in your body, enabling the liver to function properly, thus improving your overall health.

As a general fact, when it comes to apple cider vinegar, acne can be treated effectively and rapidly, especially if the liquid is applied topically. But how come this natural remedy manages to combat the overproduction of sebum, the colonies of bacteria and will also help the body to regain tits normal balance? Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy because it has potent anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. By diluting and applying it externally on the acne affected areas of the skin, the liquid is absorbed into the deeper layers of the epidermis, where it reacts with the surrounding cells. This leads to the healing of the inflammation, therefore decreasing the swelling and the redness of the area. In other words, apple cider vinegar and acne cannot coexist, as long as the liquid is administrated properly.
To conclude, throughout the many uses of apple cider vinegar, acne treatment is definitely one of the most efficient. In order to cure this condition, applying the diluted liquid topically three times per day, the anti-bacterial action of the vinegar will manage to regain the skin's balance in mild to moderate cases. Also, if one looks for a way to prevent the recurrence of acne, they should definitely ingest a daily drink made out of five parts water and one part vinegar. You can also incorporate apple cider vinegar in a creative way into your daily diet. For example, it could be used in a vinaigrette-style salad dressing. This way, the apple cider vinegar can protect the human body from possible imbalances of the immune system and integrity of organs, which leads to a healthier life. In addition, it detoxifies the liver, making it more able to resist harmful substances that it has to filter every day.

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Spironolactone Acne

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Spironolactone Acne

via by Admin on 10/17/11

spironolactone acneacne solutions and treatments Spironolactone acne treatment is generally prescribed for patients affected by hormonal acne, however, it isn't amongst the common treatment approaches for other types of acne. In fact, this acne medication is used for a wide range of health conditions different from this skin disorder, from high blood pressure to fluid retention.
Its efficiency against hormonal acne is explained by the ability this drug has in limiting hormonal fluctuations in women. Part of the group of drugs called anti-androgens, Spironolactone acne medicines act by blocking cell absorption of androgens, thus limiting the production of male hormones.

What are androgens and how are they linked to acne?

Androgen hormones are typically present in males, but they are also produced in females in minute amounts. In certain conditions – menstruation, pregnancy, stressful situations, ovarian diseases or endocrine imbalances – the amount of androgens produced by the female body can increase, favoring the occurrence of acne symptoms.
These hormones are known to stimulate the sebaceous glands, which enlarge and start secreting more sebum. As a result, the risk of developing acne increases, as the extra sebum can mix with dead skin cells and bacteria present on the skin, leading to blockage of the pores and resulting in small pustules, which if left untreated, progress in development and become painful.

Usage and Potential Side Effects of Spironolactone Acne Treatments

This drug is only available by prescription and is effective in preventing hormonal acne outbreaks. Statistics show over 60% of women following treatments with anti-androgen medicines experience improvements of their skin's appearance in only a few weeks of daily usage. The regular dosage for this medicine is 50 to 100 mg per day, depending on the woman's overall health and the severity of acne symptoms.
Women who only experience pimples and pustules before their menstrual cycle or during stressful periods may be prescribed Spironolactone for limited intervals of time. Coming as pills, this medicine can be used together with topical acne treatments or with oral contraceptives and it is proven to clear blackheads and whiteheads and to prevent sebum overproduction and bacterial overgrowth.
Reserved for use in females only, Spironolactone acne treatment can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and breast tenderness, stomach cramps, digestive problems, headaches, thirst, dizziness, low blood pressure and hyperkalemia. Besides these potential side effects, the drug has some contraindications, as follows: women with kidney problems, breast cancer, ovarian or uterine cancer or with family history of these ailments.

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Baking Soda Acne

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Baking Soda Acne

via by Admin on 10/17/11

baking soda acne | baking soda for acne | does baking soda help acneacne solutions and treatments The Baking Soda Acne Remedy

Baking soda acne masks and homemade creams are quite common among people affected by this skin disorder, this product being known for its efficiency in cleaning the skin, unclogging the pores, exfoliating and eliminating the dead cells from the skin's surface. But how exactly does baking soda help acne sufferers? The use of baking soda for acne symptoms reduction is based on the ability of this substance to lower the pH levels and to counteract the acidity on the epidermis, this being one of the factors that favors bacterial overgrowth, encouraging the formation of acne pimples and blemishes.

Although there are lots of other acne home remedies with similar efficiency to baking soda, this ingredient is preferred by a large number of acne sufferers because it is very affordable, very easy to use and mix with other ingredients in order to obtain the desired mask or cream. It is also safe for topical application in teenagers and adults alike. The link between baking soda and acne symptoms reduction is scientifically debatable and this explains the wide usage of this substance in lots of cosmetics and pharmaceutical acne products. Baking soda, unlike baking powder which irritates the skin, combines with sebum and dirt on the skin's surface, removing all the potential acne inflaming agents.

Does baking soda help acne sufferers get rid of scars as well?

Baking soda acne masks and creams, whether we refer to homemade or pharmaceutical ones, can also be used for diminishing the disturbing acne scars. This substance acts like a natural exfoliating agent thanks to its fine microcrystalline particles which shed off trapped debris, dirt and dead cells. By doing this, it stimulates cell turnover and skin regeneration, shrinking live acne and fading out old scars.

Mixed with lemon juice, this cooking ingredient has a more powerful action so it's recommended to use baking soda for acne masks in combination with the juice obtained from half a lemon, which is rich in Vitamin C, a natural lightening agent. This mixture can be applied directly on the skin, whether you're suffering from mild or moderate acne or you're trying to get rid of scars left by this skin condition. As mentioned earlier, it acts by lightening the skin and destroying harmful bacteria. Moreover, the alkalinity of baking soda and acne masks obtained from this substance is balanced by the acidity of lemon juice, this combination prevents irritation and provides the mildly acidic climate that the skin needs for maintaining its healthy appearance.

Preparing the Baking Soda Acne Mask

The cleansing effect of this ingredient can be compromised by improper usage of the homemade cream or mixture. Baking soda shouldn't be scrubbed against inflamed acne pimples or blemishes as too much abrasion worsens the condition instead of benefiting the skin. So for obtaining the expected results, masks made of baking soda for acne should be prepared by mixing this ingredient with a tablespoon of water or lemon juice. Honey and oatmeal can also be used as ingredients for homemade acne masks.
The correct way of applying the mask or cream is by gently smoothing the paste over the skin and leaving it there for about 5-10 minutes. This procedure can be repeated two-three times a week, depending on the severity of your symptoms and also on your skin type. Therefore you have to experiment a little in order to see what application frequency and what ingredients suit your skin the best.
Obviously, in case your skin becomes reddish and irritated you must remove the mask and avoid applying it again until the skin recovers. The mentioned side effects could signal an allergic reaction so it's recommended to see your dermatologist before using baking soda creams in order to determine your tolerance to this ingredient.
And to make sure your skin doesn't feel or look too dry after removing the baking soda acne mask, try to follow up with a moisturizing cream, preferably water-based instead of oil-based.

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Body Acne

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Body Acne

via by Admin on 10/18/11

body acne | body acne treatment | how to get rid of body acne | body acne treatmentsacne solutions and treatments Are There Any Differences in Between Facial and Body Acne?

Body acne is caused by the same factors that trigger facial blemishes or pimples, so you shouldn't be surprised if the dermatologist prescribes you a body acne treatment similar to those recommended to people dealing with facial blackheads, whiteheads, nodules or cystic acne. The skin lesions appearing in this type of acne are the result of sebum overproduction, proliferation of harmful acne-causing bacteria and pore clogging due to dead skin cells, dirt and debris.

Body acne treatments are generally based on the types of lesions – inflammatory or non-inflammatory – present on the different body regions, but also on the severity of the symptoms and on the frequency of the outbreaks. So try to take all these aspects into consideration when looking into how to get rid of body acne.

Body Areas Affected by Acne

Statistics show that no less that 60% of teenagers and adults aged under 30 suffer from acne breakouts on various body areas, the chin, chest, back and scalp being the most prone to this skin disorder. However, the neck area, the arms, legs, buttocks and shoulders are also common locations for acne pimples and whiteheads. Although these types of body acne  are caused by different factors, the symptoms and remedies are quite similar.
Like facial acne, body pimples and blemishes appear in larger numbers where the sebaceous glands are more numerous or more active. In these body regions, the follicles are more likely to become obstructed or clogged with dead skin cells, bacteria and excess sebum. Additionally, the greater the inflammation is, the higher the risks of developing deep acne scars.

Obviously, these can cause discomfort and embarrassment in many patients, affecting their social life and triggering psychological and emotional problems at the same time. The self-esteem of people suffering from this skin disorder is generally low and their involvement in social activities is also reduced. So finding an effective body acne treatment is important not only for eliminating the unattractive signs and scars, but also for restoring the self confidence of the sufferer.

How to get rid of body acne and prevent future outbreaks?

Body acne treatments can include both medical and home remedies for acne, as in the case of facial acne. Generally, milder forms of acne respond to proper hygiene and daily skin care and to over-the-counter products, such as body lotions, creams or pads containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Ointments based on alpha hydroxy acid and lactic acid are also recommended to those wondering how to get rid of body acne, as these ingredients are known to exfoliate the skin gently, to speed up cell turnover and also to unblock the clogged pores.
These OTC products, although safe when used alone, can lead to skin irritation when combined with similar remedies or with pharmaceutical creams and prescribed medicines. This is why even the safest acne remedy should be applied slowly and progressively and removed immediately when the skin becomes dry, reddish or swollen.

Body Acne Treatment Options

The available body acne treatment options for moderate to severe symptoms include the conventional alternatives, such as oral and topical antibiotics and retinoid-based medicines. These treatments are prescribed in order to to cure the signs and manifestations of acne, however, these medications do not have the ability to address the fundamental causes of acne. Therefore you need to think about eliminating the triggers of the ailment, when the skin disorder is caused by factors which can be targeted through such remedies.  However, it's important to understand that these types of acne can be very difficult to control and that relieving the symptoms is not always enough for preventing future outbreaks.
Thus, in order to put an end to this health issue, preventive measures are also required. And the easiest way to stop body acne outbreaks is to avoid the factors that trigger the formation of new pimples:
  • wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibers that allow your skin to breathe and don't worsen acne signs through constant friction
  • shower regularly, especially after intense physical activities that cause sweating and use soft and gentle cleansers, preferably containing salicylic acid as this substance is known to exfoliate the skin without irritating it and to efficiently unclog the pores
  • keep the skin properly hydrated by drinking enough water and applying moisturizing creams after each shower
  • use a body scrub once a week but don't scrub the skin too vigorously
  • pay attention to your eating habits and try to eliminate fatty foods and sugars that favor bacterial overgrowth – instead, opt for fruits and vegetables that fight against free radicals, acting like natural body acne treatments
  • check your hormonal levels and treat the potential imbalances, as hormonal changes are known to favor the occurrence of acne symptoms
  • finally, avoid polluted environments and stressful activities as these also contribute to body acne outbreaks

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Chest Acne

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Chest Acne

via by Admin on 10/18/11

chest acne | acne on chest | chest acne treatment | get rid of chest acneacne solutions and treatments Chest Acne Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Chest acne is a form of body acne that manifests through blackheads, blemishes, acne cysts or nodules and abrasions developing on the chest area as well as under the breasts in women. This skin disorder affects teens and adults alike, no less than 54% of women and 40% of men experie acne on chest at least once in their lifetime. Although chest acne causes and triggers are similar to those leading to other types of acne, the severity of the symptoms may vary and so do the chest acne treatment options.

In milder forms, commonly referred to as 'zits', the symptoms are less disturbing and easier to treat, so the available chest acne remedies are usually less invasive and powerful than those recommended in severe cases. So if you're among those people affected only mildly by this skin disorder, you can try to get rid of chest acne through acne home remedies. However, if you're among those unfortunate sufferers experiencing severe manifestations, you should see your physician in order to be prescribed a more powerful, medical treatment.

What Causes Acne on Chest?

The reasons for the appearance of acne on the chest area is a complex topic and to gain a better understanding of these factors, it is advised that you read more about the causes of acne. Ultimately the main trigger of this unpleasant skin condition is pore blockage. The more skin pores are blocked on your chest, the higher your risks are for an eruption or outbreak of chest acne. Obviously, the more unfriendly bacteria, dead cells and dirt are on the chest skin's surface, the more exposed you are to developing this ailment, so if you want to avoid the risks of developing the unpleasant symptoms of this skin condition, it is important to avoid these triggers.
Other potential chest acne causes that you have to pay attention to include harsh hygiene products, which can favor the rupture of the formed pimples and cysts, spreading the bacteria and triggering infections, inflammations, bleeding and scarring. Additionally, hormonal imbalances and stressful activities may favor the occurrence of this illness, which can also be related to hormonal acne. Therefore, if you want to get rid of chest acne or to prevent it from appearing, try to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle and to avoid stressful situations. Tight clothing tends to aggravate this problem, therefore looser fitting clothes made from natural materials are advised.

What are the most efficient chest acne treatment alternatives available?

Chest acne remedies include both natural and medical treatments, the many cures available are concerned mainly with relieving the symptoms and the prevention of future outbreaks, as the triggers and causes of this skin condition can't always be eliminated. In fact, this is exactly the reason for which acne on chest is so difficult to eliminate completely. With all the medicines, creams and ointments available for reducing the manifestations of this ailment, it's very hard to control the sebum production so you may find it challenging to get rid of chest acne even if you avoid all the other triggers.
Statistics prove some people are more prone to developing this skin disorder than others simply because their bodies produce more sebum, which accumulates on the skin during the day. In this case, the only valid solution for reducing the chances of developing chest pimples and cysts is taking showers or using anti-bacterial gels several times a day on the chest area. But this is more of a preventive method, so let's take a look at the many chest acne treatment options available.
Natural and herbal chest acne remedies are less expensive than prescribed ones, so you may want to give them a try before relying on drugs or pharmaceutical creams for controlling the chest acne causes and reducing the signs of this skin disorder. Lemon juice mixed with rose water, applied directly on the skin with a soft cloth may help in reducing the symptoms of this ailment as long as it is constantly used, for at least one month. You can also try to put salt or baking soda in your bath water as this helps in killing unfriendly bacteria. Together with this remedy, try to eliminate fatty foods from your menu and to replace them with fruits and veggies. An acne diet will certainly aid in getting rid of the symptoms.
Over the counter creams containing benzoyl peroxide are also helpful in treating this form of acne and they reduce redness, swelling and pain. Ointments based on salicylic acid, lactic acid, sulfur or resorcinol as an active ingredient, are also efficient in diminishing the manifestations of chest acne.
Oral or topical antibiotics are also recommended in more severe cases, in order to restore the normal equilibrium of the bacterial flora and to prevent pimples and abrasions from spreading or getting worse. Some of the most common prescribed lotions are Tretinoin, Adapalene and Tazarotene. All of them work by promoting cell turnover and preventing pores from getting obstructed. In case of deep cysts and scars, more powerful medications such as Isotretinoin (Accutane) or cosmetic procedures such as laser therapy, chemical peels or microdermabrasion may be recommended.

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Zinc Acne

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Zinc Acne

via by Admin on 10/22/11

zinc acne | zinc and acne | acne zincacne solutions and treatments Zinc Acne Treatment

The effectiveness of using zinc acne treatment is a debatable topic, according to a lot of experts. The relationship between zinc and acne has not quite clearly established, and many people are still very cautious about using zinc acne treatment. The question on many people's minds is; does zinc help acne?
Zinc acne treatments are based on zinc's role in the functioning of the body. Zinc is, in fact, one of the most common trace minerals in the body, and is responsible for numerous body processes. For example, it prevents some of the symptoms of aging. More importantly, one of the things zinc does is to help heal scar tissue, as well as drying out the skin and hair of oils. So, what is the real relationship between zinc and acne?
The effect zinc has on acne is certainly not something to be dismissed. Acne caused by excessive oils in the skin can quite easily be treated by using zinc acne treatments, as zinc, as well as a few other key nutrients, is responsible for lowering the oiliness of your body. This is because zinc has a vital role in the hormonal system, and assists in maintaining the body's balance. This is not the only role of zinc, so what other ways does zinc help acne?
There are other aspects to the relationship between zinc and acne. Many people who suffer from acne get quite a lot of unwanted facial scars. What zinc does to help this is to prevent and even heal some of the scar tissue, so you don't end up with any blotchy skin discolorations. This does not prevent new acne from occurring, however, it assists in reducing the visibility of existing scars.
As a bonus, zinc has the added effect of reducing skin redness, and this has quite a visible effect on acne. Zinc evens out the skin tones, so that any pre-existing acne is made less noticeable. This certainly has a positive impact on a persons self-esteems that unfortunately can suffer with acne. And, of course, zinc is good for general health, especially the health of your skin.
It is important to know that the results obtained with zinc acne treatments can be quite varied. Some sufferers have found it works perfectly for them, clearing their skin and reducing redness. These people generally say that it is better than any acne home remedies they have tried in the past. But then, there are those who have tried zinc acne treatment and received no benefits at all.
Zinc may not be the 'ultimate cure' for acne, but by using it alongside other treatments it can have really dramatic effects on the skin. Using it as a component of a acne treatment strategy is ideal, and including it alongside a good, balanced diet and combining it with other remedies has the potential to give outstanding results.
It all depends on the causes of your acne. Zinc treatments for acne are scientifically proven to have an effect on acne, but only when the cause is something that it can deal with. In order to find out whether zinc acne treatment works for you, you really need to try it for yourself.

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